Welcome to my ITP Audio Visual Learning Materials' site!

Hi. Welcome to my learning site of Audio Visual Learning Materials-Production and Management at the Catholic University of Leuven(KULeuven) from May 7th to July 4th 2008. This is a very wanderful place where it is good to be. I am Kule Abraham from Uganda working as an Editor in the Center of Distance Learning Studies in Uganda Martyrs University which is 82km west of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Uganda Martyrs University, commonly known as UMU is along the equator and is the university of quality in Uganda.

You want to follow what I am doing here in Belgium every day, just keep on line here and there we shall be connected. Remember to interact by sending your comments. O.k lets keep in touch.

A site prepared by Kule Abraham-Uganda

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

At last a Multimedia Centre

हेल्लो कोल्लेअगुएस,
आफ्टर गुड येअर्स, हवे मनागेद तो सेट सेट उप मुल्तिमेडिया सेंटर अत माय प्लेस ऑफ़ वर्कथैंक्स सो मच एंडलेट में सी हाउ लाइफ गोएस ओं

थैंक्स तो वृलोउस स्चोलारेशिप फॉर में तो सतुदी इतप ऑडियो विसुअल लीर्निंग मतेरिअल्स
Check out this for details

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